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Vízia, poslanie, aktivity. Vízia, poslanie, aktivity. Vízia, poslanie, aktivity.
Srdečne ďakujeme za váš záujem. Nechajte nám mail a dozviete sa prvý, keď zbierku spustíme. Po vojensko-politickom konflikte v Stredoafrickej republike zostali tisíce detí opustené na ulici. Návrat do školy je ich jedinou šancou na normálny život. Každá kniha, školská lavica či obnovená trieda sa počíta. Počas krízy sú to vždy deti, ktoré patria medzi najzraniteľnejšie skupiny. Takmer 500 tisíc detí muselo opustiť svoje domovy.
NEW - Businesses on the Move Lists. NEW - Fastest Growing Businesses Lists. FREE Guide to B2B Email Marketing. FREE Guide to Business Data. FREE Guide to Email Content and Design. Why Use Direct Marketing? Why use thomsonlocal data? About thomsonlocal Direct Marketing Services. Email Marketing and Direct Mail.
Browser Competition Renders Email Previews A Necessity. Microsoft, conceding to implementing its Browser Choice Screen in March 2010, enabled European Windows users the choice of 12 different internet browsers, rather than simply being supplied with the default Internet Explorer option. Mostly at the decline of Internet Explorer.
Ideas And; Pearls Of Wisdom From The Experts. Contributions to our discussions come from many Direct Marketing experts. Consider that you are in a Conference Room and have a seat at our table. We encourage your participation and comments. Marketing Is Not Sales! Wednesday, October 13, 2010.
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Discover how you can experience dramatic marketing breakthroughs.